The events of G Gundam follow Domon Kasshu, the pilot of Neo Japan's Shining Gundam during the 13th Gundam Fight. Each colony sends a representative fighter piloting a giant, humanoid mecha called a Gundam to battle on Earth until only one is left, and the winning nation earns the right to govern over all the colonies until the next tournament.
The series is set in the "Future Century", where space colonies representing countries have agreed to hold an organized fighting tournament known as the "Gundam Fight" every four years to settle their political differences in place of war. Mobile Fighter G Gundam, also known in Japan as Mobile Fighting Legend G Gundam ( 機動武闘伝Gガンダム, Kidō Butōden Jī Gandamu) (and commonly referred to as simply G Gundam), is a 1994 Japanese animated television series produced by Sunrise and the fifth installment in the long running Gundam franchise. I eventually came up with Travis Fimmell (Vikings) since he has a wonderful german accent and did an amazing job at being mysterious and kind of mystical in his role as Ragnar in later seasons which is what's needed here.Kidō Butōden G Gundam Gaiden Shōryū Densetsu I had originally intended not to cast Schwarz and just have the same actor for him and Kyoji, but as i thought it seemed that someone needed to play Schwarz in pictures of his original self and my pick for Kyoji i don't think would have been very believable with a German accent and so instead of just dubbing the actor i thought i should cast someone else as Schwarz. His motivations remain unclear as he is neither of official member of the shuffle alliance or seems to have ever been associated with them, until his death where it's revealed had been killed and then resurrected by Kyoji for the very task. A mysterious man known as a master of a germanized ninjutsu he appeared in Japan to find Domon Kasshu and continue his marital arts training to the point that he could fight and kill Master Asia after his betrayal, despite his cold seeming demeanor he is both very deadly and very committed to his goals.
Schwarz Bruder is the Gundam Fighter of Neo Germany.